The Stewards authorised the following substitutions of riders at this meeting:
P.K. Donovan replaced Mr M. Doyle on Lacken Run, trained by Gordon Michael Doyle (Race 3)(unwell)085A Nire Valley Claiming H'dle
The Raceday Stewards enquired into an incident leaving the back straight involving Little Hero, ridden by B.W. Harvey, unplaced, Cerberus (GB), ridden by C.P. McNamara, placed fourth, and Glenmorefiftyfour, ridden by L. Quinlan, unplaced, where it appeared interference may have occured. Evidence was heard from the riders concerned. In his evidence, L. Quinlan stated that he received pressure from his inside. B.W. Harvey stated that he was maintaining a straight line when he felt pressure from his inside. C.P. McNamara stated that he was caught on heels at that point and made a manouvere to his left. Having viewed the recording of the race and considered the evidence, the Raceday Stewards found C.P. McNamara, was in breach of Rule 214 in that he had ridden carelessly, and having considered his record in this regard (second offence) the Raceday Stewards suspended him for four racedays.
The Raceday Stewards received a report from Ms. P. Hassett, Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board Clerk of the Scales, regarding the fact that Mr J.M. Fennell, rider of Intersky Sunset, weighed in at 1.1 lbs overweight. Evidence was heard from the rider concerned, who stated that he was tight to his minimum weight and he took a drink after weighing out. Having considered the evidence, the Raceday Stewards were satisfied that Mr. J.M. Fennell was in breach of Rule 231(iii) and considering his record in this regard (first offence) they cautioned him on this occasion.
085B Knocklofty M'dn H'dleThe Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board Veterinary Officer examined Brennus Lescribaa (FR), trained by Gordon Elliott, at the request of the Raceday Stewards and reported the animal to be post race normal.
S.D. Torrens, rider of Splendid Choice, trained by P.J. Rothwell, reported to the Clerk of the Scales that his mount tried to run out at the second last hurdle.
The Raceday Stewards reviewed an incident after the second last hurdle involving Granco Rof, ridden by L.A. McKenna, placed fifth, and Andyourbirdcansing, ridden by P.K. Donovan, placed fourth, where it appeared they came close together on the flat. Having viewed the recording of the race and considered the matter, the Raceday Stewards were satisfied that no further action was warranted.
085C Fourmilewater M'dn H'dleThe Raceday Stewards reviewed an incident on the turn into the home straight involving Glasgow Dan, ridden by A. McCurtin, unplaced, Zulu Mike, ridden by J.J. Slevin, placed third and Slip Jig, ridden by P.T. Enright, placed fifth, where it appeared interference may have occured. Having viewed the recording of the race and considered the matter, the Raceday Stewards were satisfied that no further action was warranted.
085D Cannonwood H'cap H'dleThe Raceday Stewards enquired into an incident between the second last and last flight of hurdles involving Grand Rouge, ridden by C.M. Quirke, placed fifth, and Tingarran Express, ridden by B. Hayes, placed first, where it appeared Tingarran Express jinked towards the railing after receiving interference. Evidence was heard from the riders concerned. B. Hayes stated that a gap appeared down the inner and on filling the gap he received pressure from his left. C.M. Quirke stated that his mount was hanging to his left and he shifted back in on correction. Having viewed the recording of the race and considered the evidence, the Raceday Stewards found C.M. Quirke was in breach of Rule 214 in that he had ridden improperly, and having considered his record in this regard (second offence) the Raceday Stewards suspended him for 9 racedays.
C.M. Quirke, rider of Grand Rouge, trained by James M. Barcoe, reported to the Clerk of the Scales that his mount was hanging left up the straight.
GENERAL INFORMATIONThe following Raceday Stewards acted on behalf of the Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board at this race meeting:
Mr. Nicholas P. Lambert (Chairman),
Mr. Neil McGrath,
Ms. Faith Morris,
Mr. Paul Ronan,
Mr. C.J. Sweeney.
Disclaimer: Please note this information is provisional and is subject to amendment until published in the Irish Racing Calendar.