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K M Donoghue – Regulatory Notice

Following the Bar One Racing Guaranteed Multiples Maiden Hurdle at Naas on 16 December, the Raceday Stewards interviewed K M Donoghue, rider of Hills Of Glory, concerning his use of the whip in the closing stages of the race.

Evidence was heard from Mr Donoghue who accepted he was in breach of Regulation 10.3(g)(frequency) and apologised for his actions. Having viewed a recording of the race and considered the evidence the Raceday Stewards were satisfied that K.M. Donoghue was in breach of R.10.3(g)(frequency) and having considered his clean record in this regard, the Raceday Stewards suspended him for two racedays.

Subsequently an appeal was lodged by Andrew Coonan, Solicitor, on 18 December 2024 on behalf of Mr Donoghue within the required 48 hours pursuant to Rule 256. The appeal was later withdrawn by Mr Donoghue on 2 January 2025, two days after the original suspended days, those days having been stayed pending the appeal hearing.

The IHRB notes that Mr Donoghue was entitled to lodge an appeal, subject to citing the specific grounds and paying his deposit. However, a Senior Racing Official examined whether a potential breach of Rule 260 arose, whereby the appeal had been withdrawn within 72 hours of the suspension date’s commencement without the consent of the IHRB. Taking account of the administration associated with the arrangement of the appeal dates, the deposit was forfeited in full.

The IHRB thoroughly considered the matter, including interviewing Mr Donoghue, who assured the IHRB that the late withdrawal of the appeal was not intended to harm the appeals process, and that he would always uphold the integrity of the sport.

Mr Donoghue accepted the decision of the IHRB with regard to the deposit and further acknowledged that if an appeal is to be withdrawn, it should always be withdrawn within the specified period provided for in the Rules of Racing.

Following the investigation and considering Mr Donoghue's commitment to resolving the matter and in recognition of his cooperation throughout the process the IHRB has concluded that this matter does not meet the threshold of seriousness to warrant a hearing before a Referrals Committee and confirmed that no further action will be taken in this case.

Issued by the Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board



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