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S Foley (Rider) Appeal - Fairyhouse 7 June 2024

The Appeals Body, Mr N B Wachman (Chairman), Mr Anthony Byrne and Mr Noel McCaffrey convened at the Offices of the Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board on Monday, 17 June to consider the appeal of Shane Foley (Rider) against the decision of the Raceday Stewards at Fairyhouse on Friday, 7 June 2024.

On the day, following the running of the Tote Maiden, the Raceday Stewards found Mr Foley, rider of Highland Bling, in breach of Rule 10.3(g) in that he had used his whip with excessive frequency and having considered his record in this regard they suspended him for four racedays.

The grounds of appeal lodged by Mr Foley was against the severity of the sanction imposed.

At the Appeal Hearing, evidence was heard from Mr Foley. The Appeals Body also watched a recording of the race.

In his evidence, Mr Foley accepted that he had exceeded the permitted number of strikes, however stated that he had used one as a precautionary measure to keep his mount away from the rail as it began to get tight for room. Mr Foley noted that he had taken steps to ensure his compliance with the whip regulations following previous breaches and that his last breach had occurred over eight months ago. Mr Foley also explained that he had in the region of 350 rides and 91 winners since his last breach and that on this basis he felt his record was very good.

Having considered the evidence, the Appeals Body dismissed the appeal and confirmed the suspension imposed by the Raceday Stewards.

The Appeal was presented by Mr Andrew Coonan of Coonan Cawley Solicitors, Naas Co. Kildare on behalf of Mr Foley. The IHRB was represented by Mr Andrew Ring, Stipendiary Steward and Ms Clíodhna Guy, Head of Governance and Legal.

Suspension Dates: 22, 24, 26, 28 June

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