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Mr F Maguire (Rider) Appeal – Bellewstown 4 July 2024

The Appeals Body, Mr Nick Wachman (Chairman), Mr Anthony Byrne and Mr Peter Reynolds convened at the Offices of the Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board on Tuesday, 16 July to consider the appeal of Mr Finian Maguire (Rider) against the decision of the Raceday Stewards at Bellewstown on Thursday, 4 July 2024.

Following the running of the Seamus Mulvaney Bookmaker Crockafotha Race, the Raceday Stewards found Mr Maguire, rider of Enniskerry in breach of Rule 214 in that he had ridden carelessly and having considered his record in this regard they suspended him for two racedays.

The grounds of appeal lodged by Mr Maguire was that the Raceday Stewards on the day erred in their decision.

At the appeal hearing, evidence was heard from Mr Maguire. The Appeals Body also watched a recording of the race.

In his evidence, Mr Maguire stated that, in his opinion, the interference was due to how the race was developing on a tight track and approaching a bend. Mr Maguire said that he felt he was at the mercy of the riders on his outside in respect of avoiding an incident.  Mr Maguire stated that he was fully aware of the position of the riders around him however, the surrounding horses bunched at the point of the bend which caused him to put pressure on the runner on his inside, Patrick Joseph.

Having considered the evidence, the Appeals Body dismissed the appeal and confirmed the suspension imposed by the Raceday Stewards.

Mr Andrew Coonan of Coonan Cawley Solicitors, Naas, County Kildare presented the appeal on behalf of Mr Maguire. The IHRB was represented by Mr Liam Walsh, IHRB Senior Stipendiary Steward and Ms Christine Traynor, IHRB Head of Racing Regulation and Integrity.

Suspension Dates: 18, 19 July

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