R.A. Curran (Trainer) Referral – Stable Inspection 27th January 2020


The Referrals Committee, Mr. Peter N. Reynolds (in the chair), Mr. Anthony Byrne and Mr. Peter M. Allen convened via Zoom on Wednesday, 12th January 2022 to consider whether Richard Curran (Trainer) was in breach of any rules as a result of a stable inspection carried out at his Training Establishment 27th January 2020 by Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board officials.

On the day, the inspection team observed that the Medicines Register was not kept up to date and medicines were not secured safely as required under Rule 148.

At the Referral Hearing, the panel considered the report of the stable inspection and heard evidence from Mr. Curran. 

In his evidence, Mr. Curran accepted full responsibility for not ensuring that his Medicines Register was up to date and that the medicines were secured safely and stated that he had rectified that following the stable inspection.

Having considered the evidence, the panel were satisfied that Mr. Curran was in breach of Rule 148(iii)(a) and 148(iii)(b) in that he had failed to keep his Medicines Register up to date and medicines were not secured safely. Having considered his record in this regard the panel fined him €300.

The case was presented by Mr. Michael Daly, IHRB Regulatory Legal Advisor.