Mr E P O’Brien (Rider) Referral - Muskerry (F) Dawstown Point to Point 6 May 2024


The Referrals Committee, Mr Robert Dore (Chairman), Mr Jack Rearden and Mr Raymond J McSharry convened at the Offices of the Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board on Wednesday, 15 May to consider the referral of Mr Eoin O’Brien (Rider) from Muskerry (F) Dawstown Point to Point on Monday, 6 May 2024.

On the day, the Acting Stewards interviewed Mr O’Brien following a report that he had ridden in two races at the meeting despite that fact that he was suspended to ride on that day. The Acting Stewards referred the matter to a Senior Racing Official for further investigation.

In his evidence, Mr O'Brien accepted that he had ridden on a day when he was supposed to be suspended and apologised for what he described as a genuine oversight. Mr O'Brien explained that when it was brought to his attention, he didn't think it was correct, so he retrieved the email received from the IHRB and was shocked to find that this was in fact one of his suspension dates. Mr O'Brien added that there was a gap between his second and third suspension date and he had thought all three days were served and it was in no way a mischievous action on his part.

Having considered the evidence, the Referrals Committee found Mr O’Brien in breach of Regulation 22(xv) of the Irish National Hunt Steeplechase Regulations for Point to Point Steeplechases in that he had acted in a manner which was prejudicial to the integrity, proper conduct or good reputation of horseracing and suspended him for one Point to Point day and imposed a €250 fine.

The IHRB also objected to the result of both races under Regulation 48 (i) (b) as Mr O’Brien was not qualified to ride on that date. The Referrals Committee upheld that objection and as a result, Hunt Away has been disqualified from the Division One of the Tattersalls NH 4yo Geldings Maiden and State Rule has been disqualified from the Division Two of the Masterlink 5yo Geldings Maiden at Dawstown on 6 May 2024.

The amended result of Division One of the Tattersalls NH 4yo Geldings Maiden at Dawstown on 6 May 2024 now reads: 

First:                     Walks In June

Second:               A Perfect Day

Third:                    Conman John

The case was presented by Mr Paul Murtagh, INHSC Registrar & IHRB Head of Raceday Operations and Ms. Clíodhna Guy, IHRB Head of Licensing, Legal and Compliance and Mr O’Brien represented himself.

Suspension date to be confirmed.