Michael J McDonagh (Trainer) Referral - Stable Inspection 5 July 2023


The Referrals Committee, Mr N B Wachman (Chairman), Mr Anthony Byrne and Mr Raymond J McSharry convened at the offices of the Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board on Wednesday, 5 June 2024 to consider whether Mr Michael McDonagh (Trainer) was in breach of any rules of racing arising from a stable inspection carried out at his Training Establishment on 5 July 2023 by IHRB officials.

On the day, the inspection team observed that the Annual Trainer / Employee Agreement was not displayed at the establishment as required under Rule 298(v).

At the Referral Hearing, the committee considered a written submission from Mr McDonagh.

In a written submission to the Referrals Committee, Mr McDonagh accepted he was in breach of the Rule. Mr McDonagh explained that as soon as this matter was brought to his attention, he put the Annual Trainer / Employee agreement on display on his staff notice board.

 Having considered the evidence, the Referrals Committee were satisfied that Mr McDonagh was in breach of Rule 298(v) and imposed a fine of €250.

The case was presented by Ms Clíodhna Guy, IHRB Head of Governance and Legal.