F Costello (Trainer) Referral – Stable Inspection 6 April 2023


The Referrals Committee, Mr N B Wachman (Chairman), Mr Anthony Byrne and Mr Raymond J McSharry convened at the offices of the Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board on Wednesday, 5 June 2024 to consider whether Mr Flan Costello (Trainer) was in breach of any rules of racing arising from a stable inspection carried out at his Training Establishment on 6 April 2023 by IHRB officials.

On the day, there was no Medicines Register presented when requested during the inspection as required under Rule 148(viii) and (ix).

In a written submission to the Referrals Committee, Mr Costello explained that at the time of the inspection his health had been poor. Mr Costello apologised for the oversight and ensured the committee that he has since reflected, reviewed and amended the policy within his yard to ensure he is fully compliant with the rules and regulations surrounding Rule 148.

Having considered the evidence, the Referrals Committee found Mr Costello in breach of Rule 148(viii) and 148 (ix) and imposed a fine of €200.

The case was presented by Ms Clíodhna Guy, IHRB Head of Governance and Legal.