Declan Queally (Trainer) Referral – Cork 14th July 2023


The Referrals Committee, Mr. Nicholas Wachman (Chair), Mr. John Murphy and Mr. Anthony Byrne convened at Offices of the Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board on Friday 4th August 2023 to consider the referral of Mr. Declan Queally by the Raceday Stewards at Cork on the 14th July 2023.

On the day, following the running of the Follow Us On Instagram Mares Handicap Hurdle, the Raceday Stewards enquired into the improvement in form of Natural Look, placed first, as compared with it’s recent run in Downpatrick on the 18th June 2023. As evidence arose from the previous meeting at Downpatrick, the Raceday Stewards referred the matter to the Referrals Committee.

At the Referral Hearing, the Committee considered evidence from Mr. Declan Queally.

Mr. Queally stated that he was disappointed with Natural Look’s run at Downpatrick on the 18th June 2023. Mr. Queally added that his charge had travelled a long distance on the 17th June in advance of the run, and on the day following the run in Downpatrick was found to be in season. Mr. Queally advised that a combination of the long journey and the mare coming into season may have explained the poor run, and he accepted that he should have reported this to the IHRB on the 19th June and was therefore in breach of Rule 213.

Having considered the evidence, the Referrals Committee were satisfied that Mr. Queally was in breach of Rule 213, and having considered his record in this regard, the Referrals Committee cautioned Mr. Queally on this occasion.

The case was presented by Mr. Michael Daly, IHRB Regulatory Legal Advisor.