D. King (Rider) Referral - Naas 25 February 2023


The Referrals Committee, Mr Robert Dore (Chairman), Mr John Murphy and Mr Victor Connolly convened at Offices of the Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board on Wednesday, 1 May 2024 to consider the referral of Daniel King by the Raceday Stewards at Naas on 25 February 2024.

On the day, following the running of the Pertemps Network Group Handicap Hurdle, the Raceday Stewards wished to enquire into a possible breach of Regulation 10.3(f) following a report from Ms Joan Taylor, IHRB Veterinary Officer that Noble Birth, ridden by Mr King, following a post-race examination. However, as Mr King had left the Racecourse, the Raceday Stewards referred the matter to the Referrals Committee.

Evidence was heard from Ms Joan Taylor, IHRB Veterinary Officer and Mr King. The Referrals Committee viewed a recording of the race and photographic evidence provided by Ms Taylor on the day.

In her evidence, Ms Taylor confirmed her observations on the day and was satisfied that Mr King’s use of the whip was contrary to Regulation 10.3(f).

In his evidence, Mr King accepted the photographic evidence provided and apologised for his actions. He further stated that Eric McNamara, trainer of Noble Birth, has since informed him that the animal marks easily. Mr King stated that he was satisfied that he had not altered his style in any way and he has never previously come before the Stewards in respect of Regulation 10.

Having considered the evidence, the Referrals Committee found Mr King to be in breach of Regulation 10.3(f) and suspended him for two racedays.

The case was presented by Ms. Clíodhna Guy, IHRB Head of Licensing, Legal and Compliance and Mr King represented himself.

Suspension Dates: 15, 16 May