Cian Cullinan (Rider) Referral – Roscommon 6 August 2024


The Referrals Committee, Mr Laurence McFerran (Chairman), Mr Jack Rearden and Mr Con O’Mahony convened in the Stewards Room at The Curragh Racecourse on Saturday, 17 August to consider a request from a Senior Racing Official under Rule 27(vii) to review the Kepak Handicap Chase at Roscommon on 6 August 2024. 

On review, it appeared that Cian Cullinan, rider of Greenway Machine may have been in breach of Regulation 10 regarding his use of the whip during the running of the Kepak Handicap Chase. The matter was subsequently referred to the Referrals Committee under Rule 27(vii). 

At the Referral Hearing, evidence was heard from Mr Cullinan. The Referrals Committee also watched a recording of the race.

In his evidence, Mr Cullinan accepted that he was in breach of Regulation 10.3(g) and apologised for his actions.

Having considered the evidence, the Referrals Committee found Mr Cullinan in breach of Regulation 10.3(g) in that he had used his whip with excessive frequency and having considered his record in this regard (first offence) they suspended him for six racedays.

The case was presented by Mr Liam Walsh, IHRB Senior Stipendiary Steward. Mr Cullinan represented himself at the hearing.

Suspension Dates:  4, 6, 9, 13, 18, 20 September 2024.