C P Donoghue (Trainer) Referral - Stable Inspection 1 August 2023


The Referrals Committee, Mr N B Wachman (Chairman), Mr Anthony Byrne and Mr Raymond J McSharry convened at the offices of the Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board on Wednesday, 5 June 2024 to consider whether Mr Christy Donoghue (Trainer) was in breach of any rules of racing arising from a stable inspection carried out at his Training Establishment on 1 August 2023 by IHRB officials.

On the day, there was no Medicines Register presented when requested during the inspection as required under Rule 148(viii) and (ix).

In a written submission to the Referrals Committee, Mr Donoghue accepted that he was in breach of the Rule.

Having considered the evidence, the Referrals Committee imposed a fine of €350.

The case was presented by Ms Clíodhna Guy, IHRB Head of Governance and Legal.